Dental Cleanings are recommended twice a year to improve your oral health. A professional dental cleaning helps identify areas in the mouth that may require special attention. During a cleaning you receive diagnostic and preventive care in addition to educational information.
Dental Cleanings help remove plaque and tartar from your teeth that are formed over a period of time. Plaque is formed when food particles left between the teeth react with the saliva in the mouth to form a soft, sticky, bacteria infested film. This plaque when left in the mouth results in the formation of tartar or calculus that is high in bacteria content. Cleaning basically helps to remove the plaque and tartar and leaves the tooth surface clean and smooth.
Dental Cleanings provides the following diagnostic services
Cleanings provide the following preventive services
Cleaning educates you about the following
Our dentist uses specialized tools to remove deposits on teeth without causing any harm to the teeth. Some of the tools used are
Ultrasonic Instrument: This is the first instrument used and produces tickling vibrations which removes the accumulated tartar. This is associated with spraying of cool misty water that washes away the debris and a high pitch humming sound.
Fine Hand Tools: Tools such as scalers and curettes are used to remove smaller deposits and to smoothen the surface of the teeth.
Polishing: It is done once the teeth surfaces are smooth using a slow speed handpiece with a spinning soft rubber cup at the end. A toothpaste like material is applied on the teeth to make it shiny.
Fluoride: The final part of cleaning involves fluoride application on the teeth for 30 seconds. This strengthens the teeth that have been weakened due to plaque and tartar.
Dental Cleanings are not painful though they might cause feelings such as tickling vibrations, cool mist of water and rarely cause any discomfort. In case you feel uncomfortable, let your dentist know about it. Painful cleaning can also be caused by inexperienced or rough dentist. If you have had uneasy cleaning experiences in the past, switch to a gentle dentist. Talk to our dentists who would be more than pleased to provide you with relevant information and a gentle cleaning experience.